Friday, August 31, 2007

High School or Middle School, that's the question!

Things are going really well so far with Katya. I haven't gotten much sleep and have been in constant motion, but it has been great. The real test comes next week when school starts. Katya already is saying "no" to school. She tells me that, but I can tell she knows there is no choice. That's where the question begins. She is 14 so we have a choice of sending her to HS or MS. After back and forth and weighing all the pros and cons, we have decided to send her to MS. It is a much less risky choice. At least that's what we have decided for the moment. We have to decide today, because school starts Tuesday. I am set to leave this morning to register her. I have to break the appointment I have with the HS and try and get one with the MS. I'll blog later and say how it turned out.
Back to Katya. Her first week has been a whirlwind. She swam at a pool and her sister Lisa's house (4 hours straight). Shopped for and bought a new bike. Played video "Cars" racing games. Eaten different food (she tried and likes lasagna). Went to church. Had her friend Paulina and Lisa's stepdaughter, Mariah, spend the night. Learned how to play the board game "Sorry", and is good at it.

I can't help to think all the time how the whole course of her life has changed. I just hope Beverly and I have it in us to raise her to be the women she can be to meet her full potential.
She is an awesomely sweet girl. She loves riding a bike and we have done tons of that this past week. She makes friends so easily and doesn't seem to shy away from hanging out or playing with kids she just met.
Well, gotta go and convince her to take a shower before we leaave..........

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