Monday, July 30, 2007

We're HERE !!!!

Yes, we arrived today around 9:30am Ukraine time. That's around 2:30am EST.
We are in our apartment and have an appointment at SDA at 11:30 tomorrow. We won't know until tomorrow if we will leave Kyiv tomorrow or the next day. Hopefully it is tomorrow.

We came all the way around the world to have lunch at McDonald's. And I NEVER eat at McD's.
This comupter is really bad. The space bar doesn't work.

There were a bunch ofUkrainian orphans on the plane from NY. They were cute and stayed up almost all night.

I want to post a picture, but I'm not familiar with the Russian language commands on this computers or how to upload the files.

By for now....


Unknown said...

Mike & Bev,
Glad you made it safe and sound. We're praying for you (and Katya) back here in the States. Keep us informed as often as you have opportunity.

Unknown said...

Actually, the previous post was from me (Daryl).

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you guys made it to Ukraine! Hope everything is smooth sailing with Katya and the adoption. Love you, Lisa & Larry

Tami said...

I hope you don't mind us following your journey. Our dossier is waiting in line at the SDA, so we're anxious to learn all we can about the Ukraine adoption process. We'll be thinking of (and pryaing for) you as you go through this process.

Robb said...

This is a great picture. Good luck on your adoption of Katya. Have a safe and fast return back home.